Copy of a letter to Almira Meacham Whiting by her mother, Dolly Meacham
“Burlington, March the —- 1848
Dear Child, with pleasure I take this opportunity to inform you that I am well and in good spirits hoping these few lines will find you the same. I am in hopes one day we shall be able to converse without writing (.) I have received to (two) letters from you and have written you to (two) one a few weeks ago and for fear you will not get it I now write a few lines and send it in the care of Bradford Eloit (Elliot?). Sylvia is well at present and out to work (.) her health has been very poor for six months back and not able to work much of the time. Erastus is well and hearty Henry and Roswell the same.
Lafayette is in Springfield in Mr. Hill’s office (.) He writes often and says his determination is to go west as soon as he can see me fitted out and not before. I think we shall not be able to go west before another spring unless something turns up more than I know of now. I have heard from Darwin this winter I wish he would come back with a team to the Bluf(f)s and meet us there to help us over the mount(a)ins in the valley. George has gone on to the Bluf(f)s perhaps you have seen him(.) Write us as soon as you get this and send it by male tell me all about the folks and how your father gets along with his young wife. I have not heard a word from Alonzo since I came to Burlington(,) your mother(.)”
(signed) Dolly (Ransom) Meacham
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