Meet Edwin Whiting and his family!
Come and meet your ancestors. Get to know them. Learn of their lives. See their pictures, read stories, histories, newspaper accounts, journals, and writings of others who knew them. Read from the original documents, some in original handwriting. Copy them from your own records.
It is hoped that seeing the actual documents of their lives can make these stalwart ancestors come to life in a new way for you.
Edwin Whiting was born on 9 September 1809 in Lee, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. In 1838, he was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and later emigrated across the United States and settled with his family in Utah, USA. Edwin was a horticulturist, politician, and craftsman. He fathered children with each of his five wives. Although he was active and vigorous until he was aged, he did not leave behind very many personal documents—no journals or writings that would give us direct insight into his thoughts, interests, or talents. So this website is an attempt to gather together historical information that might be helpful to his posterity as they look to understand the intricacies of early pioneer life and the influence that this single individual had in his community and in his family.
In 1999, Marie Whiting and Marcus L. Smith, both descendants of Edwin, spearheaded the publication of a history of Edwin’s life, entitled, Edwin Whiting and His Family. For years, Marie had collected photos and documents relating to Edwin’s life. After her death, family members set up this website to make these documents available to others. With the help of improved technology and access to records that were not available when this history was originally published, it has become clear that some versions of Edwin’s life, passed on through oral and written histories, contain inaccuracies. As new documents are discovered and new records are added, each of Edwin’s family members will have access to more complete, more accurate information than has previously been available. With help from the internet, it is now possible to collect many additional items relating to Edwin’s life. This effort is important for at least three reasons:
1) The website can become a repository of information related to Edwin Whiting, his ancestors, and his descendants. As historical evidence becomes available, we can correct erroneous information perpetuated by human error and oral retelling of “family legends.”
2) We can piece together the details in the life of a man who left very little written information.
3) We can inspire future generations with the stories of their ancestors.
This website is a work in progress. We encourage others who have additional information and insights to contribute.
We welcome contributions, corrections and other articles that would add to this website. Please email the current webmaster, Lynnae Allred to contribute information you have in your possession. Lynnae(dot)Allred@gmail(dot)com.
To learn more about the broader Whiting family, go to the Whiting-GLOBAL website: www.whiting-global.org