Copy of a letter written to Myra Gertrude Perry from her grandmother Almira M. Packard (Almira Mehitable Meacham) Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California. Nov. 8th, 1892

Dear Grandaughter Gertrude,

You think by this time I have forgotten you all, but it is not so for I have thought every day I must write but have not had much time to write or do any thing but cook and wash dishes.  You see I have 3 men the most of the time to work for, a man that stops the most of the time with us and we wash and mend for him and it keeps me busy.  I do not write half the letters I ought to for I cannot get time.

We are all well but Frank, he is a little poorly.  He caught a bad cold, has not got entirely well yet, he is quite healthy now and we have had a lovely Fall.

Grass is high enough for the cow a nice bale.  We sell 8 qts. milk a day but  I had to stop making butter and butter 65 cts a roll, so you see it is better to make our own than to sell at 5 cts per quart, eggs 40 cts and the hens very stingy of their eggs.

Well we get along very well, no reason to complain, we are blessed by the same kind Father we have always had.  He never fails to care for us, and if we love Him better and serve Him more faithful He will care and provide for us when famine is in the land, plagues and disease sweeping the land and nations and kingdoms falling.  He will feed us and give us water to drink when all the water is turned to blood.  You remember reading of the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt. Read Numbers 20:1-12.  You will see that God will provide for his children.  Read Rev. 15 and 16 all through and many other chapters in Rev. and you will see His judgments are righteous and sure, but His Saints will be cared for.

The last days are fast approaching therefore let us search our hearts and see if we are ready to meet the Lord in peace.  We must keep His commandments, and if we love Him we will, and if we love Him He will save us, when He comes to make up His jewels we will be among them.  Oh let us watch and pray that we may not be taken as a thief in the night.

I cannot write on worldly matters, my heart is not in it.  I feel I am a traveler, almost home, a few more years and all will be over and will all my dear ones be saved.  Oh Lord may it be so.  Oh, Gerty dear, if you never made it a practice of going away by your self and falling on your knees and asking God to help you, do it now.  Seek Him while He may be found, draw nigh to Him and  He will draw nigh to you.  He loves you and will bless and save you.

Now I shall have to close.  How is Ma and Pa and all the dear children and the sweet baby dear.  Tell Erma to write to me.  Love to all my dear children.”

A. M. Packard  [Almira Mehitable Meacham (Whiting Packard)]

“Has your lily sprouted yet?  Mine has just commenced.   I put it in water the day I wrote the letter and sent yours.  Write soon.”

Source: Lovell Killpack, Orem, Utah

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