Elizabeth Partridge Tillotson, grandfather’s first wife, was the mother of eleven children. She was honored by the other wives and thought of as coming first after grandfathher in the Whiting home. She was a very quiet, refined, klind-hearted and industrious. As a child, I see her very old as one who had passed through many sorrows and trials, who had struggled hard and had overcome the obstacles that stood in her way. She seemed to be descending the hill and looking toward the sunset of life. She taught school before her marriage and had charge of the Sabbath School for small children for many years after coming to Utah. She had a very brilliant mind, yet was simple and reserved in her appearance and manner. As I remember the old home, the picture uppermost in my mind is the old arm chair she sat in with its black velvet cushion and raw hide bottom, one of the chairs made from the native wood by grandfather, in which she reclined by the old Charter Oak cook stove. Her children and grandchildren have her, many admirable qualities.

(signed) Wayne Johnson

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