Sally Emeline Whiting Cox was a sister of Edwin Whiting
She went by the name Emeline, and was married to Fredrick Walter Cox, who was a brother of Mary Elizabeth Whiting. Both of them were Pioneers in Manti, Utah.
Died, at her home in Manti, of old age, on March 4th, 1896, Emeline Whiting Cox. Deceased was the daughter of Elisha Whiting and Sally Hewlett, who were natives of Vermont, but removed to Nelson, Portage Co., Ohio, in the early settlement of that state, where the subject of this sketch was born July 23rd, 1817. In 1835 she was married to Fredrick Walter Cox. Some time after she and her husband embraced the Gospel and removed to Far West, Mo. They endured all the privations, hardships and persecutions to which the Saints were subjected during their residence in that state. Bother Cox being a man of great faith and marked ability, was frequently called to perform missions in different parts of the United States, consequently his wife was often left to care for her little ones alone, but she was a woman of rare executive ability and by nature specially adapted to the care of children, she performed these duties wisely and well.
After being driven from Missouri they settled in Lima, where they resided nearly six years, but were finally driven from their home, which was set on fire by the mob before their eyes, also their stacks of grain, outbuildings, etc., leaving them destitute, homeless, almost penniless, but glad to escape with their lives. They next settled in Nauvoo, but were only permitted to remain there a few months, when they again took up their line of march, this time toward the setting sun. At the next halting place, Mt Pisgah, Sister Cox had more than her share of the sickness and sorrow which seemed to be the portion of the Saints during their sojourn at that place. Her beloved mother and two of her own little daughters, aged seven and two years, followed each other to the grave in quick succession. And this while she was sick almost unto death, in fact her life hung trembling in the balance for nearly three months. They afterwards removed to Council Bluffs,where they were were again called to part with another child, his time their infant boy.
In the spring of 1852 Brother Cox and his family crossed the Missouri River and began their long, wearisome journey across the Plain. On the banks of the Platt River another little daughter was born, who lived and prospered in spite of the unfavorable circumstances attending her advent. On the 4th of October, 1852, Sister Cox, with her family, once more found a resting place in Manti where she has since resided. She endured all the hardships and privations which were the lot of the pioneer settlers of Sanpete valley, and in addition to these, they were constantly harrased by hostile Indian. In the spring of 1853, Brother Cox was called to take a mission to England; in August following his last child, a little girl was born, and when the little one was eighteen months old, Sister Cox was afflicted with a cancer, the removal of which nearly cost her life, and the following summer, when the baby was two years old, she was called from earth, thus adding another grievous trial, which came like a crushing weight in the absence of the husband and father.
Sister Cox was an exemplary wife and mother, a faithful, considerate friend and conscientious Latter-day Saint. She was a woman of intelligence and refinement, an agreeable companion, with a keen sense of humor and an inexhaustible fund of anecdote and reminiscences of her early life. She was the mother of twelve children eight of whom survive her. Their respect and love for her was unbounded and of her it can truly said, “Her children rise up and call her blessed,” and also that she has fought the good fight, has kept the faith and has gone to her reward to which her long years of trial, toil, and sacrifice entitle her.
Her remains were tenderly borne to their last resting place by her grandsons, who hold her memory in grateful remembering. “After life’s fitful favor she sleeps well.”
Source: Deseret News Online 28 March 1896, pg 3. Transcribed by James W. Whiting. Original spelling and punctuation retained. Emeline Whiting Cox
Emeline Whiting Cox
Mrs. Rosalie E. Driggs left for Manti on Thursday to be present at her mothers funeral, Mrs. Emeline Whiting Cox, wife of the late Elder F. W. Cox. Deceased was born July 24th,. 1817, in Ohio, and early identified herself with the Church, enduring all the trials and persecutions of her adopted people, one of which was seeing her own house burned by the mob in Lima, Ill. She with her family, left Nauvoo in the winter of 1848 and settled in Pisgah, Iowa,where she buried her mother and two daughters. She had been so sick and unconscious at the time that she did not realize the fact. She came to Utah in the year of 1852, settling in Manti. She was the mother of eleven children, eight surviving her. She was a noble woman, performing her part through every struggle. Her life has been one of sacrifice and fortitude and her record is worthy of emulation. She leaves a numerous posterity,men and women honored and respected, with a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren to mourn her demise.
Source: Deseret News Online, 14 March 1896, p. 15.
Transcribed by James W. Whiting, 28 June, 2007, from the original text, punctuation and spelling retained.